USA… #23?

USA… #23?

When I grew up, #23 was a good thing… in 2024, not so much. CJ McClanahan For the first time in recorded history, the United States dropped out of the top 20 happiest countries.  “The growing unhappiness among young adults reflects in part the pressure to always...
Have a meeting? Try this.

Have a meeting? Try this.

The secret to effective solutions in meetings is simpler than you think. CJ McClanahan Early in my career, I loved watching one of my mentors navigate a meeting. He would quietly watch everyone tossing out opinions only speaking if he had a clarifying question.   As...
Making a decision? Consider this.

Making a decision? Consider this.

How do you know you’re making the right decision? Before you tie yourself in a knot, remember this. CJ McClanahan Between now and the end of 2024, you will make thousands of decisions. Some of them will be inconsequential (medium vs. large, window up vs. down,...
What am I going to do with this short life?

What am I going to do with this short life?

The first step in finding a joy-filled, purpose-driven life that’s right for you is to consider a shift in your current paradigm. CJ At some point, we’ve all had a gap in our hectic schedules and taken a moment to consider this question. Depending on where you were...
Break the Cycle

Break the Cycle

Are you caught in your own Overachiever’s Trap? CJ Having influence and making money aren’t evil things. In fact, success and resources lead to opportunity for you and those around you. The issue comes when we start basing our actions in “more”...
Actions Speak Louder than Moods

Actions Speak Louder than Moods

Regardless of my mood, the good and not-so-good days have something in common. CJ Some days, I’m full of boundless energy and optimism. I feel unstoppable and capable of changing the world. Other times, I find it hard to get excited about anything and wonder if I’m...
What We’re Really Playing For…

What We’re Really Playing For…

There’s a disconnect between what society says about joy and what it actually is.   1479. This is the number of sales meetings I’ve had with CEO’s and entrepreneurs since starting my business 20 years ago. (Note: This is not true. I have no idea the...
Not for the Faint of Heart

Not for the Faint of Heart

Tired of feeling like you’ll never be content? Try this quick exercise: Take out a pen/paper and spend the next 60 seconds listing everything in life you consider a blessing. Include whatever pops into your head. (Individual family members, homes, friends,...
The Downside of Striving

The Downside of Striving

For the majority of my life, I followed a simple principle: Effort (lots of it) = Achievement = Happiness/Satisfaction. Initially, it works. The harder you work, the more you achieve, and every achievement delivers a sense of happiness/satisfaction.However, as most...
The Problem with Perfect

The Problem with Perfect

For flawed humans, being completely free of defects and flaws is completely impossible to attain. Yet, we constantly strive.  The Perfection Trap author Thomas Curran makes a compelling point that the root of all this effort is the fear of failure, rejection and...
You are flawed

You are flawed

I find myself saying this more than ever to audiences, clients, and friends. Interestingly enough, instead of being offended with this insight, most people loosen up, relieved that this truth is finally out in the open. Imperfection is the characteristic we all share...
Fear or Love

Fear or Love

Many years ago, a mentor of mine pointed out that every decision we make is driven by one of two forces – fear or love. As you can imagine, behavior driven by love is more likely to bring you joy. In addition, the decisions influenced by love have a better chance of...
New Year, New You

New Year, New You

The first week of the new year is an interesting time for overachievers.  We typically embrace the changing calendar as an opportunity to become a new person. They claim that this is the year to go to bed early, quit drinking, work out and stop eating ice cream after...
This is an unusual year for me

This is an unusual year for me

Typically, I have a detailed sheet of all my personal and professional goals nicely laid out for 2024.   It’s a very safe and comfortable place for me to be.   But this summer, I went fly-fishing for the first time.   Naturally, I practiced, watched...
Think Small

Think Small

Sometimes the complex problems facing our world (both local and international) seem overwhelming and impossible to solve. That doesn’t keep an overachiever from myself like trying. I’m convinced that if I just read the right book or join another board, I can magically...
Just a little bit more…

Just a little bit more…

Giving Tuesday has tried to teach us that we can get by with a measly offering that doesn’t move the needle for them… or for our own joy. “Just a little more.” – most people (including myself) This is the answer we give when asked the...
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