Life without limits

Life without limits

We’ve been told many times by professional growth “gurus” (guilty as charged), that we should live a life with no limits.  I’m fully on board with one interpretation of this message – You shouldn’t place limits on your future abilities just because you’ve never...
We’re obsessed with accomplishment

We’re obsessed with accomplishment

We live in a society obsessed with accomplishment. Our heroes are professional athletes, celebrities, and social media influencers. We’ve convinced ourselves that individual achievement is the surest path to success and that this alone will make us...
We’re all rational

We’re all rational

We are all rational human beings. However, I’ve been through enough therapy in my life to know that we are also a product of our environments. Our belief system is initially influenced by our family and close friends. Next, it’s heavily influenced by social (and...
Does what you buy define who you are?

Does what you buy define who you are?

I want to live a life characterized by sharing abundantly (time and money) with those who are less fortunate.   Some days I live that out, but many times I put off helping those who really need it. I rationalize that by promising that I’ll give “as soon as”...
How’s your microstress?

How’s your microstress?

Microstress is an accumulation of small events that build over time. They are seemingly insignificant obstacles that we easily overcome. On their own, they’re not so bad.  Our bodies are extremely good at navigating stress – big events that trigger a...
What does life want from you

What does life want from you

In The Road to Character, David Brooks asks two important questions:   What does life want from me? What are my circumstances calling me to do? You’ll notice a slight difference between this inquiry and everything else you read, watch, and listen to from the...
Life isn’t meant to be conquered

Life isn’t meant to be conquered

Most overachievers believe that out-doing everyone else is the best path to being successful. This belief leads to a long list of goals designed to maximize our capabilities (and eventually impress our social media followers). We can’t imagine a weekend without a...
Life Isn’t Fair

Life Isn’t Fair

Intellectually, we get it. We understand that some people are born with a full head of overflowing hair while others are almost completely bald by the age of 30. (20 years later, this one still stings a little.) But even though our rational, thinking brain appreciates...
Hustle Culture

Hustle Culture

In 2014, Timothy Wilson conducted a study in which participants stated that they would pay money to avoid an electric shock. No surprises there. However, once they were left alone in the lab room, the inactivity became too much to bear, and people sought to fill the...
Wake Up Grateful with Kristi Nelson

Wake Up Grateful with Kristi Nelson

How do you build a foundation for a happy and joy filled life, regardless of your circumstances? Kristi Nelson, author of Wake Up Grateful will help you understand why living gratefully is so difficult in our world, and how gratitude as a habit – not an...
Embrace your crazy

Embrace your crazy

It’s not unusual for one of my executive coaching clients to begin a meeting with, “I apologize in advance but, today I need some couch time.” Whether you recognize it or not, every conversation we have involves some “therapy”. Smart, driven, overachieving...
Quitting vs. Stopping

Quitting vs. Stopping

Recently, I did something that would have been nearly impossible 10 years ago… I stopped reading a book before it was completed. I understand how ridiculous that sounds, but the truth is that for much of my adult life I never put a book down until it was completed...
The Great Mirage

The Great Mirage

If you were to look at the lives of executives in the United States, here’s what you’d find: Their household income is greater than 95% of families in the U.S., which easily places them in the top 1% globally. They live in large homes, drive nice cars, and take great...
One of my faults…

One of my faults…

I tend to be a little “hyper-judgmental”. I overhear a conversation at a restaurant and immediately assume that the table next to me is filled with idiots. I watch a parent under/over discipline a child and wonder if you should have to pass a 12-month...
Believe it or not…

Believe it or not…

There was once a time in our country when you stopped purchasing stuff when you ran out of room in your home. Then, in the late 1960’s, America was introduced to the concept of self-storage (or mini warehousing). A little more than 50 years later, we now have more...
Stop Trying to Win Life

Stop Trying to Win Life

Embrace that life is meant to be experienced… not mastered.   This past Sunday, I dropped my son off at school for the 2nd semester of his freshman year (I almost cried but held it together). My parting words included something along the lines of… “Take...
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