Can’t Catch Up? That’s Okay.

Can’t Catch Up? That’s Okay.

Find yourself falling behind? Here’s why you’re right where you need to be. <>  Over the years, I’ve watched hundreds of talented professionals put in countless hours hoping to one day be “caught up”. They start early in the morning racing through...
This should be easier.

This should be easier.

An overachiever’s greatest struggle could lie in accepting one of life’s strongest truths. <>  “This should be easier.” These 4 words imply that whatever issue we’re bumping up against represents something “wrong” with us and our current...
All Kinds of Kinds

All Kinds of Kinds

How overachievers view their own flaws defines how they engage with personal and professional growth. <>  For more than 21 years, when a client tells me they’re having a problem with a team member, I ask the same question… Are they coachable/self-aware? If the...
There Is No Destination

There Is No Destination

Making subtle shifts in the way you approach life should deliver the lasting satisfaction you crave. Unfortunately, I’ve rarely seen it work out that way. <>  The truth is, for the rest of your life, you will always be working at becoming a better friend,...
From Blurry to Clear

From Blurry to Clear

The majority of my adult life has had one consistent theme – achieve. <>  Accordingly, I’ve raced through most days, crossing items off lists, sitting in meetings, flying through email, and planning for the future. And, as you can imagine (and probably relate...
The Simpler Solution

The Simpler Solution

When you feel overwhelmed with life’s trials, slow down, take a deep breath, and ask one question. <>  When I started my business in 2003, I was convinced my clients needed lots of information.As a result, my advice typically included lots of multi-tabbed...
4 Ways to Practice Presence

4 Ways to Practice Presence

Stop chasing happiness. Start practicing presence. <>  Making the shift from chasing happiness toward embracing presence doesn’t mean we stop setting goals or striving for success.  Rather, it means we do so with a different mindset — one that prioritizes...
My New Definition for Success

My New Definition for Success

Happiness was never meant to be the goal. <>  Over the years, I’ve asked many people – prospects, clients, audiences, family members, anyone who would listen – THE important question:   What do you want from life? The varied answers all come back to...
When Expectations Meet Reality

When Expectations Meet Reality

It’s common for overachievers to have unrealistic expectations for themselves. <>  There’s a gap in each of our lives that determines the amount of joy we experience. It represents the difference between what we expect out of life and how it actually turns...
Worry Solves Nothing

Worry Solves Nothing

An Overachiever’s natural problem-solving spark is powerful— but stressing about the future can snuff it out. Instead of worrying, here’s how to refocus that energy into something more valuable. <>  We’ve all said to ourselves: “As soon as I get this...
The Truth About Certainty

The Truth About Certainty

Your plan may be perfect. But life is not. <>  For 20+ years, I’ve been a planning machine. I’ve had goals, objectives, Gantt charts, and every other tool you can imagine. It’s led to a lot of achievement but not to what I was really chasing… certainty. As I’ve...
First Things First

First Things First

When it comes to success, do you focus on fundamentals or get distracted by shiny, new tactics? <>  Many years ago, a client asked if I could recommend a good book on leadership. I told him I had read many excellent books over the years. However, instead of...
No judgment here…

No judgment here…

When success equals “achievement,” it’s nearly impossible for your brain to focus on the current moment for very long. <>  How come? It’s too busy thinking about what you’ve got to do next or regretting past mistakes you might have made. Make it your goal...
It’s wildfire season

It’s wildfire season

The only way to calm the raging flames of political fury is to take away the oxygen that fuels the fire – our unsolicited opinions. <>  My first job out of college (after I dropped out of law school) was in politics.  After a brief stint, it was clear that...
Get off the treadmill.

Get off the treadmill.

I have a theory when it comes to the core belief of every overachiever on the planet… <>  I have a theory that goes like this… The more we believe the phrase, “I am enough,” to be true, the more joy we experience. This inner...
Success “As Soon As”

Success “As Soon As”

Overachievers believe joy, peace, and contentment will come “as soon as…” <> Many people live their lives following the “As Soon As” Principle. They believe that “I’ll spend more time with my family as soon as I have more time.” Or maybe...
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