No judgment here…

No judgment here…

When success equals “achievement,” it’s nearly impossible for your brain to focus on the current moment for very long. <>  How come? It’s too busy thinking about what you’ve got to do next or regretting past mistakes you might have made. Make it your goal...
It’s wildfire season

It’s wildfire season

The only way to calm the raging flames of political fury is to take away the oxygen that fuels the fire – our unsolicited opinions. <>  My first job out of college (after I dropped out of law school) was in politics.  After a brief stint, it was clear that...
Get off the treadmill.

Get off the treadmill.

I have a theory when it comes to the core belief of every overachiever on the planet… <>  I have a theory that goes like this… The more we believe the phrase, “I am enough,” to be true, the more joy we experience. This inner...
Success “As Soon As”

Success “As Soon As”

Overachievers believe joy, peace, and contentment will come “as soon as…” <> Many people live their lives following the “As Soon As” Principle. They believe that “I’ll spend more time with my family as soon as I have more time.” Or maybe...
Stress Management for Overachievers

Stress Management for Overachievers

Two tactics to find some balance in a hyper-achieving world. <> The Overachiever’s Trap begins early in life.  A little success feels good. We get recognized, and maybe win an award or two. Soon after that, though, the feeling goes away, and we teach ourselves...
How to be enlightened

How to be enlightened

As achievers, it’s natural to assume in an argument that we’re always right. <> I like to think of myself as “enlightened” – open to the thoughts and opinions of others even if they’re completely different from my own. Unfortunately, this version of...
Healthy… or lazy?

Healthy… or lazy?

Ever assume the best way to find happiness is the achieve more? <> More recognition, more stuff, more financial security, etc. I have. I assumed a direct correlation between my sense of contentment and my resume/bank statement/LinkedIn profile. This focus led to...
What’s next?

What’s next?

Ever find yourself asking this question on vacation? <> This past weekend, I was on a trip with my family. More times than I’d like to admit, I found myself looking to the future and asking, “what’s next?”  Like most overachievers, I...
The Key to Achievement

The Key to Achievement

Curious why those “5 simple steps” aren’t working for you? <> You may have heard that there’s a direct correlation between the amount you eat and your weight. In addition, it’s been rumored that spending less time scrolling through social media...
Burnout: Spot the Warning Signs

Burnout: Spot the Warning Signs

Overachievers are constantly in denial. <> “I can take 50 more clients.”   “I can sleep 4 hours a night.”   “I can work 90 hours a week. Repeatedly.” Let’s say you do that.If you hit every goal and make more money than...
Tame your inbox

Tame your inbox

There’s only one reason you should ever have to send this type of email. <> Recently, I received the following message from a friend: “Sorry it took me 2 weeks to get back to you. I’ve been buried in my inbox and just got to your email.” We’ve all received...
What can it hurt?

What can it hurt?

I often ask groups for the names of shows they would never let their young kids watch. <> While the answers vary, they all share the same the same mature themes – too much violence, offensive language, sex, etc. My follow-up question – “What harm do you think...
No Judgement Here…

No Judgement Here…

2.5 minutes is about as long as I can sit in a room full of people without judging others. ….. Believe it or not, that’s an improvement. It took me a while to realize that judging others is simply an attempt to compare my situation/achievements to others. I scan...
Four Kinds of Fear

Four Kinds of Fear

I’ve been an overachiever since the second grade. ….. I remember vividly when my teacher announced a competition to read the most books every week. The winner got a gold star next to their name on a large board at the front of the classroom. I won. And I...
Who’s the real you?

Who’s the real you?

You are flawed. CJ McClanahan In a world obsessed with achievement and recognition, the above statement feels offensive. However, the sooner we accept our imperfections, the closer we get to becoming the person we were meant to be. Unfortunately, it’s easy to look...
How are you using your (limited) energy?

How are you using your (limited) energy?

This too shall pass.  CJ McClanahan In the moment, the issue that has us all worked up seems so very important. In retrospect, it rarely is. In his thoughtful book, A Time to Build, author Yuval Levin says: “Short-termism is often a function of unstructured thinking,...
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