Fear or Love

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Many years ago, a mentor of mine pointed out that every decision we make is driven by one of two forces – fear or love.

As you can imagine, behavior driven by love is more likely to bring you joy. In addition, the decisions influenced by love have a better chance of improving the lives of those around you.  
I’ve thought of this wisdom many times over the years as it relates to my thoughts and actions. While some of my choices are clearly inspired by love, many are rooted in fear.
Note – This isn’t a black/white conversation, there’s tons of grey. For example, the colonoscopy I had a few weeks ago could be considered a decision driven by fear (what if something’s wrong with me) and love (I want to stay healthy to spend time with my family).
While I don’t believe there’s a magic ratio for decision making (e.g. 80% love and 20% fear), I do believe it’s in our best interests to lean toward love.
Keep this in mind as you wade into the new year full of enthusiasm for more achievement.

CJ McClanahan

Speaker | Advisor | Recovering Overachiever




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