Burnout: Spot the Warning Signs

by | May 23, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Overachievers are constantly in denial.


“I can take 50 more clients.”
“I can sleep 4 hours a night.”
“I can work 90 hours a week. Repeatedly.”

Let’s say you do that.

If you hit every goal and make more money than anyone else in the world, but, as a result, are miserable, then what is it all for?

My friend Ken Haman and I sat down with The AB Advisor Institute and shared some simple ways to spot burnout and tactics for how to get out of it.

Register and watch Advisor Burnout: Spot the Warning Signs – and How to Recover From It.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey.



CJ McClanahan

Speaker | Advisor | Recovering Overachiever

CJ McClanahan



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