If you’re not outraged…

If you’re not outraged…

“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” – Anonymous I saw this posted on Facebook last week to which I was tempted to respond with… “If you’re channeling your outrage via social media, you’re only making the situation worse.” – Anonymous Outrage...
What if no one noticed?

What if no one noticed?

Lately, I’ve found myself wondering… What would I do differently (personally and professionally) if no one noticed or cared?   Would I be less focused on non-stop activity and accomplishment? How much money would I need to earn? Would I care if my headshot...
Lucy and the Chocolate Factory

Lucy and the Chocolate Factory

Remember when Lucy and Ethel try to wrap chocolates? No matter your age, you’ve likely seen the famous Lucille Ball episode (Season 2, Episode 1) where she and Ethel struggle to wrap chocolates fast enough to keep up with the conveyor belt. Funny stuff. There was a...
Uncompromised with Steve White

Uncompromised with Steve White

(Download Episode Here) (Subscribe to the Podcast Here) (Connect with CJ) What We Discuss in this Episode: We know life is about compromise, but once we know why you have been placed on this earth, you can life an uncompromised life that centers on your purpose....
Lead with grace

Lead with grace

What if the world isn’t trying to make your life more difficult?   Walking through Kroger over the weekend, I was almost run down by 2 preschoolers who’d gotten loose from their mother. As she came barreling around the corner looking for them, my “critical”...
Baker Mayfield and my predictable gym routine

Baker Mayfield and my predictable gym routine

The art of argument As a creature of habit, I workout at the same time every day (10am). The TV in the locker room is tuned to one channel and daily features a panel of 2 individuals screaming at each other in response to a made-up topic (e.g., “Is Baker Mayfield the...
You’re not the only one

You’re not the only one

Over the years, many accomplished leaders have wondered aloud if they’re the exception to the “happiness/fulfillment” rule. They wonder if they’re missing out on the “magic” because they often feel frustration, stress, and worry. They assume that their peers have...
Choosing Service with Peter Block

Choosing Service with Peter Block

(Download Episode Here) (Subscribe to the Podcast Here) (Connect with CJ) Peter Block is an author, consultant and citizen of Cincinnati, Ohio. His work is about chosen accountability, and the reconciliation of community. Peter challenges us to get back to the basics...
Before You Buy…

Before You Buy…

Do you remember that book you read that you were certain would change your life?   It outlined the “secret” to happiness, washboard abs, 6-figure passive income, better relationship with your kids, etc.   The only catch to all these promises is...
We all have faith

We all have faith

What’s important to you?   We all (including atheists) practice some form of faith. We wake up every day and pray to many different “gods” – religion, knowledge, our email, the stock market, our careers, credentials, personal recognition, youth...
The Comfort of Data

The Comfort of Data

As my fellow Excel nerds will attest, measurement works. I’ve spent many hours creating lots (and lots) of spreadsheets because I firmly believed that you can’t improve something if you’re not measuring it.Whether it’s losing weight (calories, steps, etc.) or hitting...
Hey Google

Hey Google

Hey Google… How do I… You are one Google search away from the answer to any question you could possibly imagine. Theoretically, this should make life better. Unfortunately, all this information has tricked us into thinking everything should be easy. But no...
Wealth is like Seawater

Wealth is like Seawater

“Wealth is like seawater; the more we drink, the thirstier we become.” Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1851) The overachiever’s lie goes like this: I’ll be satisfied as soon as I ______ (get promoted, sell my business, pay off the vacation home, etc.). As...
Our Need for Control

Our Need for Control

“Let’s check your dad’s apothecary.” This is the lovingly sarcastic response from Nicole to any request for medicine while we’re driving. The “apothecary” is the central console of my car, and it may contain just about every remedy a person could need (Ibuprofen,...
How Much is Enough?

How Much is Enough?

You’ve undoubtedly asked yourself these questions (or similar versions) many times…   How much do I need to make? How many square feet should I have in my next home? How much do I need to retire?   For most people, the answer to these types of...
Set Limits Find Balance

Set Limits Find Balance

Setting limits is the key to finding balance. It’s easy to say but extremely difficult to do. Are you up to the challenge?   Many years ago (imagine hair), I would end my workday, turn off my computer (imagine large box CRT + 18lb CPU) and go home without...
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