A New Definition of Success

A New Definition of Success

What does “success” mean anyway? For thousands of years, people have been striving to feel successful. For the last 100 or so, the definition has included – “out-achieve everyone else.”

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Goodbye Mom and Dad: My 2017 in Review

Goodbye Mom and Dad: My 2017 in Review

Goodbye Mom and Dad: My 2017 in Review By CJ McClanahan  “Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation.” – Ronald Reagan   As the year ends, I reflect on what took place during the past 12...

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Are We Wiring Our Kids to Overachieve?

I think that most people can agree that we are a product of our environment. From an early age, we are heavily influenced by what we hear, read and see. In today's Coach's Corner, I'll talk about the effect our obsession with achievement is having on our kids.

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Addiction to Success

I think we can all agree that addictions are unhealthy. No one wants to wake up every day craving a drink or a cigarette before they get out of bed. Unfortunately, many people are OK with one addiction - their obsession with success. In today's Coach's Corner, I'll...

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