Accomplishment for the sake of adding to an already crowded resume never delivers the long-term satisfaction we crave.

Accomplishment for the sake of adding to an already crowded resume never delivers the long-term satisfaction we crave.
This truth (sometimes referred to as the hedonistic paradox) begs the question… How can one find lasting joy?
We are all rational human beings. However, I’ve been through enough therapy in my life to know that we are also a product of our environments.
The idea of living with (and doing) less seems silly and almost lazy.
Microstress has one key cause – important people in our lives. It’s good to help our team. It’s good to be there for our family.
This approach assumes there’s a big hole in our life that needs filling. The next thing you know, you’re buying a third vacation home, remodeling a walk-in closet (to fit 63 pairs of running shoes) and signing up for a 7-day meditation retreat in Maui.
We understand that some people are born with a full head of overflowing hair while others are almost completely bald by the age of 30. (20 years later, this one still stings a little.)
We understand that some people are born with a full head of overflowing hair while others are almost completely bald by the age of 30. (20 years later, this one still stings a little.)
Being present is more than difficult – it can be painful. However, as I’m learning, it is the only way to achieve the true sense of peace we actually crave.
We are all flawed and despite our best efforts, irrational fears can creep into our daily mindset. It’s all just a part of the human experience.
Achiever's Compass Coaching Series is designed to bring awareness and generate some momentum in the right direction.