Failure feels like an awful word describing a terrible condition. As a result, most people avoid it at all costs.
Choosing emotions
A problem arises when we teach ourselves that there’s something wrong with us if every step of the path isn’t filled with delight.
Certainty is unattainable
Google (and all the information it delivers instantly) has tricked us into believing the myth that certainty is attainable. It isn’t – nor will it ever be.
Direction is more important than speed
Eventually the law of diminishing returns kicks in and you realize that there’s only so many productive hours in each day.
Video Series: Take back your time
Do you ever feel anxious if you need to put your phone away? These simple tactics will help you take back your time and win your day.
Interest vs. Commitment
The problem is that we spend countless hours worrying about a lot of different interests, but rarely do anything meaningful to make an impact.
The future is an interesting place
Our brains underestimate the happiness we’ll get from good stuff and exaggerate the frustration we’ll get from the bad stuff. It’s time to consider a different approach.
Video Series: Get Energy from Work
No one wants to feel like their workload is unmanageable all the time. Watch the video for CJ’s top 3 tips to feel more energy by the end of the week.
Three Questions to Keep Your Audience Engaged and Growing
Hiring a speaker is time-consuming, expensive, and risky. Even if you do your research, how will you know if the speaker will be great in front of your audience?
Change Your Mind
The surest way to more stressful and strained relationships is to assume you’ve got everything figured out.