CJ McClanahan shares how we can harness our drive to compete and be better without sacrificing our sense of well-being and purpose.
My Giving Tuesday Confession
Potential donors (you and me) drown in these messages until the feeling of guilt wins out. We pull out a credit card and make a nominal donation to a charitable organization we know very little about. It doesn’t move the needle for the organization or for our own sense of peace, joy, or satisfaction.
Are you a recovering overachiever?
How you spend your time will tell me what is important to you. Take back your calendar and find time for something that is really important.
Solving the Great Attrition
We assume that attrition is due to compensation and/or benefits. But new research shows it’s likely something deeper.
The Answer to Life’s Questions
We’ve convinced ourselves that “more” will deliver the contented feeling we hope for. What if this approach is all wrong?
Why we focus on others
I often wonder what God would say if we had the opportunity to grab coffee. My fear is that She would be brutally honest and tell me, “You talk a big game, but I sometimes wish you would do more.”
Fleeting Enjoyment or Lasting Contentment?
We often know what the solution is, but we can’t quiet our minds enough to see it. When you let go, you let go of your beliefs of the past that are preventing you from reacting in the moment.
Are You On A Career Path That Effectively Utilizes Your Unique Skills?
Ask yourself what really drives your passions and desires? What motivates you to get out of bed each day?
Equate Professional Growth with a Passion Driven Lifestyle
Your professional goal should be to find something that best fits your passions and meets as many of your wants/needs as possible.
How to Create Meaningful Conversations that Elevate Your Mindset
This short reflection has saved me from lots of embarrassment and unnecessary arguments over the years.