I’ll be satisfied as soon as I… get promoted, sell my business, pay off the vacation home, etc. As you know by now, this never works.
Our Need for Control
Micromanaging every facet of life might make you feel better in the short term, but it always leads to a truckload of anxiety.
How Much is Enough?
Comparison might feel like the best way to measure success – but it’s almost always the worst. There’s a better way.
Set Limits Find Balance
There was a time when you couldn’t be reached every second of the day, nor would you work for several hours after putting the kids to bed.
College Pep Talks
Before trying to dig in and “win” an argument, there is a different approach that will serve you (and your relationship with that person) better.
Responding to Divisive Issues
Before trying to dig in and “win” an argument, there is a different approach that will serve you (and your relationship with that person) better.
The Cost of More
Because we can do more than ever before, we’ve convinced ourselves that we should be doing more than ever before.
How to Quit
The key is to understand “why” you’re giving up. It can’t simply be because it’s hard.
How to Change Your Mistakes to Improvements
I encourage my clients to spend five minutes at the end of every day to reflect on their day with a simple question.
Don’t Face Challenges Alone
Humans weren’t designed to face their challenges alone. We are wired to build communities to work together toward a common goal.