It’s almost impossible to complain about not being able to find jeans in your size when you’re serving a homeless person the only meal they’ll get that day.
Who makes your life worth living?
Without meaningful relationships, life is empty no matter what else you achieve. The problem with overachievers is, we’re too busy “accomplishing” to slow down and cultivate the effort, intention and gratitude that sustains relationships.
A Better Tomorrow
I believe that together there’s not a problem we (humanity) can’t solve – no matter how daunting it may seem.
Silence is golden
It’s almost as though we believe life doesn’t exist unless it’s jam-packed with constant stimulation (or dare I say… achievement/accomplishment).
I only have a strong opinion on a handful of matters.
No longer is a conversation with a friend or great seats at an event enough to keep us entertained.
Energy is a limited resource
There is simply not enough energy in our bodies to argue about everything and give attention to the moments (and people) that matter.
What would you do differently if you didn’t care about the opinions of others?
Impressing others delivers small measures of fleeting happiness. Lasting joy comes from comfortably settling into your unique journey.
I don’t believe in destiny or fate.
As a result, every morning I face a simple question: “What do I do with these circumstances?”
It turns out that…
I didn’t recognize these faults until someone had the courage to point them out to me.
Don’t be “that guy.”
When someone else is done speaking, don’t say a word for a full count of One Mississippi.