Melody Beattie’s Challenge

Melody Beattie’s Challenge

Unfortunately, gratitude on Thanksgiving barely lasts more than a couple of hours after we’ve finished our second helping of pumpkin pie.    The truth is, there’s nothing more valuable you can do to bring more joy to your life than to develop a grateful...
Resist the Instant Solution

Resist the Instant Solution

In a world offering immediate solutions to just about any problem, it feels like “hard work” is for suckers who don’t know how to navigate Google. At some point today, while scrolling through social, you’ll be tempted to click on an offer for quick and easy advice to...
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

This Buddhist saying packs a ton of wisdom into six powerful words. Embracing its meaning can change your life. Intellectually, we understand that there’s no way to go through life without an occasional kick to the gut, no matter how safe you play it or the controls...
Imagine for a second…

Imagine for a second…

Imagine that I gave you the opportunity to be known as exceptionally kind OR wildly successful. Which would you choose? (Yes, I recognize you can be both, but for this example, you’ve got to choose.) When I first considered the question, my mind jumped to… “Of course,...
We (humans) love solving problems

We (humans) love solving problems

Inherently, there’s nothing wrong with our desire to find a solution to a challenge. The problem comes a few minutes after we’ve identified the issue. That’s when our brain makes the following fatal assumption – the best/only way to address this problem is through...
3 Simple Steps

3 Simple Steps

Want an easy life? Follow three simple steps. All the personal and professional development books/webinars/podcast/workshops/etc. follow the same 3-step process (trust me, I’ve read most): You deserve more than your life is currently delivering.   This isn’t fair...
Overcoming Hard-Wiring

Overcoming Hard-Wiring

A few weeks ago, I went fly fishing for the first time.   After a short lesson, the guide (whom I had just met) made an interesting observation noting that I was “wound pretty tight” and would need to loosen up a bit to enjoy the sport. In just two hours, a...
Dr. Mike Rucker: The Fun Habit

Dr. Mike Rucker: The Fun Habit

  Dr. Mike Rucker Dr. Mike Rucker is an organizational psychologist, behavioral scientist, and charter member of the International Positive Psychology Association. He has been academically published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management. His...
A mindset of uncertainty

A mindset of uncertainty

We hear it all the time – be present, be where your feet are, focus on the moment, etc. But what does that really mean? “Adopt the mindset for uncertainty. Everything is always changing, everything looks different from different perspectives, so we can never...
Unhappy billionaire or happy bike store owner?

Unhappy billionaire or happy bike store owner?

When it comes to success, all we really want is to feel good about ourselves and our relationships. An added bonus is believing that we made some sort of positive impact on somebody or something in the world.You can do that no matter how much money you make or what...
My first 20 years…

My first 20 years…

The first 20 years went a lot faster than I thought. Back in September of 2003, I was pounding out 75 cold calls a day as my son (Ian, now 6’6″) lay bouncing quietly in a baby seat at my feet. Those days seemed to last forever. 20 years later, a few things have...
Your spreadsheets are lying to you

Your spreadsheets are lying to you

Numbers provide a sense of precision that I find comforting. As a result, I love looking at financials, building forecasts and analyzing most issues with a spreadsheet. However, not everything can be measured. In life, the space between black and white is filled with...
The only game to win

The only game to win

Even after 20+ years reminding professionals of the dangers of comparing themselves to others, I still do it. I have a framed picture in my office that says, “I am enough and on the best path for me.”No, I didn’t steal it from Stuart Smalley (“I’m good enough, smart...
Dr. ‘Deji Ayoade: My American Dream

Dr. ‘Deji Ayoade: My American Dream

Dr. ‘Deji Ayoade shares his story from extreme poverty in Nigeria to becoming the first African immigrant to become a nuclear missile operator in the United States Air Force and serve in three U.S. military branches. He’ll walk you through his mindset in the...
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