by CJ McClanahan | Sep 28, 2023 | Blog
When it comes to success, all we really want is to feel good about ourselves and our relationships. An added bonus is believing that we made some sort of positive impact on somebody or something in the world.You can do that no matter how much money you make or what...
by CJ McClanahan | Sep 21, 2023 | Blog
The first 20 years went a lot faster than I thought. Back in September of 2003, I was pounding out 75 cold calls a day as my son (Ian, now 6’6″) lay bouncing quietly in a baby seat at my feet. Those days seemed to last forever. 20 years later, a few things have...
by CJ McClanahan | Sep 14, 2023 | Blog
Numbers provide a sense of precision that I find comforting. As a result, I love looking at financials, building forecasts and analyzing most issues with a spreadsheet. However, not everything can be measured. In life, the space between black and white is filled with...
by CJ McClanahan | Sep 7, 2023 | Blog
Even after 20+ years reminding professionals of the dangers of comparing themselves to others, I still do it. I have a framed picture in my office that says, “I am enough and on the best path for me.”No, I didn’t steal it from Stuart Smalley (“I’m good enough, smart...
by CJ McClanahan | Aug 31, 2023 | Blog
Work is not just a way to make money and stay busy. It’s how we prove our worth to ourselves and those around us. We get to sing to the tune of our favorite song: Overcommitting to what we can realistically accomplish Applying pressure to our people to hit stretch...
by CJ McClanahan | Aug 24, 2023 | Blog
The research is clear (and compelling): we’ve become addicted to constant interruptions. When was the last time you let your mind drift aimlessly and simply noticed your surroundings? The craving we feel for the next “hit” of stimulation isn’t all that different from...
by CJ McClanahan | Aug 22, 2023 | Podcast
Dr. ‘Deji Ayoade shares his story from extreme poverty in Nigeria to becoming the first African immigrant to become a nuclear missile operator in the United States Air Force and serve in three U.S. military branches. He’ll walk you through his mindset in the...
by CJ McClanahan | Aug 17, 2023 | Blog
How you view control will drastically alter how you experience the only life you get. Planning to improve the odds of success is a wise move.Planning to eliminate uncertainty is a fool’s errand.Recognizing the difference between the two allows you to reduce anxiety...
by CJ McClanahan | Aug 10, 2023 | Blog
Once I achieve this goal, I’ll feel better about myself. Sound familiar? Yeah. I can relate. At best, this “feeling better about myself” lasts less than 24 hours. No matter how big the achievement, I always find myself back to obsessing over my...
by CJ McClanahan | Aug 3, 2023 | Blog
Whichever you choose, remember this: the choice is yours. People use all sorts of ways to escape: Scrolling social Binging Netflix Overeating Spending too much money on another gadget you don’t need It’s no surprise that burnout is an increasing problem. Escapes...
by CJ McClanahan | Jul 27, 2023 | Blog
We all overlook what’s going right. It’s easy to feel that we “have to” go to the grocery, meet with the finance team, plan our vacation, etc. How you think about something shapes how you think about it. If you’re finding a task or person continually triggering your...
by CJ McClanahan | Jul 20, 2023 | Blog
As I type this message with one hand, I’m reminded of a powerful quote often attributed to John Lennon: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” One week ago, as I was riding through a cross walk, a car sped out in front of me trying...
by CJ McClanahan | Jul 13, 2023 | Blog
“When we return, why it’s not safe to go in the water anymore on vacation…” I made the mistake of flipping through the channels the other day and caught CNN going to commercial with the above teaser. Really? It’s not safe to go in the water anywhere on your...
by CJ McClanahan | Jul 6, 2023 | Blog
If you fell behind, who would notice? No, really. Answer that. It turns out that 97.5% (made-up statistic) of the professionals I’ve met over the years don’t regularly take the time to slow down and appreciate their accomplishments. They’re just like...
by CJ McClanahan | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog
Is stress out of control? The latest Workplace Report from Gallup shows a very clear rise in stress levels starting in 2009. (Interesting how that trend started a mere 2 years after the iPhone was introduced to the world.) “Forty-four percent of employees said...
by CJ McClanahan | Jun 15, 2023 | Blog
We’ve been wired from an early age to believe that the only way to feel “successful” is through constant achievement and recognition. This approach leads to the belief that stopping to be grateful is a waste of time when there’s so much left to...