In this episode of Success 2.0, CJ (@cjmccoach) gets real as we talk about living in the post-COVID-19 era.
#124 – Pandemic: Thriving During Uncertainty
In this episode of Success 2.0, CJ (@cjmccoach) explores the concept of “saying no” and how embracing it is a must if you want to grow your business, transform your career, or get greater satisfaction out of life.
#122 – Mastering No
In this episode of Success 2.0, CJ (@cjmccoach) explores the concept of “saying no” and how embracing it is a must if you want to grow your business, transform your career, or get greater satisfaction out of life.
#117 – Bob Dusin | Creating the High Performance Workplace
Bob Dusin (BobDusin) is Partner at HPWP Group, a Georgia-based leadership development company, and co-author of Creating the High Performance Workplace.
#116 – Michael O’Brien | My Last Bad Day
Michael O’Brien (@RoadieOB) is former pharmaceuticals executive turned leadership consultant. in 2001, he was involed in a horrific cycling accident…
#115 – Dave Neff | Intergenerational Mentoring
Dave Neff (@DNeff84) is the Founder and CEO of EDGE Mentoring, a faith-based intergenerational mentoring organization focusing on bridging the professional engagement gap.
#109 – Cheri Huber: Intersection of Self-Talk & Ego
For nearly four decades, Cheri Huber (@CheriHuber) has explored the inner workings of the spiritual mind and how ego impacts our perception of our place in life.
#107 – Never Get It All Done
No matter how much more you do today, you’ll never get everything you need to do done. Let’s face it, ever since we could take home with our laptops and fast wi-fi connections, we work more than ever.
#101- Careers: “What Should I Do?”
CJ (@CJMcCoach) shares a deep look at what it takes for true entrepreneurs to make the jump from doing something that they hate, to pursuing their passions in their careers.
#099 – When Enough is Enough
When you look back to when you were 25, could you have guessed you’d be making as much money, or be as wealthy, as you are today?