Just a few days on the stream helped me to recognize that no matter how hard I try, the water keeps moving. Instead of controlling the fish, I should learn to watch the flow.
A mindset of uncertainty
The easiest way for you to stay tuned in is to simply notice what you’re noticing.
Unhappy billionaire or happy bike store owner?
Make big goals. Dream big visions. Achieve big things.
My first 20 years…
Looking forward, I’d like to be intentional about a handful or key items.
Your spreadsheets are lying to you
I used to believe that with enough planning it was possible to eliminate the uncertainty of the gray areas in life.
The only game to win
Outdoing everyone else in the big 3 (acquisition, recognition, and compensation) is a fool’s errand.
It’s every overachiever’s favorite time of year: business planning season.
Wanting for nothing, we are stuck in a cycle of chasing everything. So we work and work and work. As a result, our stress grows and grows and grows.
Constant Interruptio- *Ping!* A new meeting has been added to your calendar!
The craving we feel for the next “hit” of stimulation isn’t all that different from an alcoholic longing for their next drink.
The single most important thing to know about life
Planning to improve the odds of success is a wise move. Planning to eliminate uncertainty is a fool’s errand.
the lie we believe
The world is packed with overachievers competing for – and winning – accomplishments.