Outdoing everyone else in the big 3 (acquisition, recognition, and compensation) is a fool’s errand.
It’s every overachiever’s favorite time of year: business planning season.
Wanting for nothing, we are stuck in a cycle of chasing everything. So we work and work and work. As a result, our stress grows and grows and grows.
Constant Interruptio- *Ping!* A new meeting has been added to your calendar!
The craving we feel for the next “hit” of stimulation isn’t all that different from an alcoholic longing for their next drink.
The single most important thing to know about life
Planning to improve the odds of success is a wise move. Planning to eliminate uncertainty is a fool’s errand.
the lie we believe
The world is packed with overachievers competing for – and winning – accomplishments.
Burnout or Refresh?
A helpful escape can be as simple as an afternoon at a park, a dinner someplace new, a day at a lake, or a weekend hiking the hills of a national park.
Change your language
It’s easy to feel that we “have to” go to the grocery, meet with the finance team, plan our vacation, etc.
One broken hand later…
Lying in the emergency room, I moaned (seriously, I can be a little dramatic) that the driver’s apology wasn’t enough… he’s a complete idiot who should have his license revoked!
Why it’s not safe to go in the water
Really? It’s not safe to go in the water anywhere on your summer vacation?
The Fear of Falling Behind
It turns out that 97.5% (made-up statistic) of the professionals I’ve met over the years don’t regularly take the time to slow down and appreciate their accomplishments.