What We Discuss in this Episode:
- What keeps us from admitting fear (5:45 to 7:15)
- What is the risk to allow this fear go hidden/ignored? (7:16 to 10:30)
- The connection between mind, body, and emotions (10:30 to 17:04)
- What is Somatic Therapy and why should we use it? (17:05 to 23:07)
- Tangible strategies to help us beat stress (23:08 to 29:35)
- Why is being in the moment the hardest thing in the planet to do and how can we get around to doing it? (29:36 to 32:40)
- The difference between pain and suffering (35:00 to 38:50)
Rebecca Ward
Rebecca A. Ward is an American therapist, activist, healer, author, speaker, and coach. As a trauma survivor herself, she has triumphed over extraordinary suffering and come out on other side to her joy again. In her new book, The Paper Tiger Syndrome: How to Liberate Yourself from the Illusion of Fear, Rebecca shares her personal trauma-to-resilience story and the wisdom from her own clients to help readers transform their own trauma wounds into personal growth, presence, resilience, and joy and reconnect back to the truest version of themselves—what she calls the Original Blueprint®.
As a licensed therapist in California and ICF-Certified Professional Coach, Rebecca holds a multitude of trauma-informed certifications, including Somatic Experiencing®. She is a member of the International Coaching Federation and CA Marriage and Family Therapists Association. Surrounded by family and friends, Rebecca lives in Sausalito, CA.
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