Expectation is the root of all heartache

Expectation is the root of all heartache

“Expectation is the root of all heartache.” – William Shakespeare We’re drowning in self-help books, videos, podcasts, and memes promising that if you work hard enough every minute of your life should be filled with unbridled joy. All this success advice...
Be wary of comfortable

Be wary of comfortable

I favor comfort over pain, and I’d rather engage in activities where the outcome was certain. Know anyone like me? Unfortunately, all meaningful growth comes from failure, uncertainty, and heartache. Be wary of the comfortable existence where everything goes as...
What’s success anyway?

What’s success anyway?

What does it mean to be successful? Over the years, I’ve seen a handful of ideas: Hard work – success is directly related to the amount of effort you put toward any endeavor. Perseverance – success is the ability to bounce back from failure. Making a Difference –...
Worry much? You’re not alone…

Worry much? You’re not alone…

In one of the largest studies of burnout, Gallup found that 60% of people are emotionally detached at work and 19% are miserable. Miserable? The study further found that employees in the United States and Canada are the most worried and stressed-out workers in the...
“I don’t have time.”

“I don’t have time.”

“I don’t have time for… (insert unpleasant activity here, e.g. helping the neighbor move a couch into their basement).” No matter how well you justify it in your head the above statement is always a lie. Unfortunately, we’ve all delivered this lie on hundreds...
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