Honoring a Life Well Lived

Honoring a Life Well Lived

Celebrating a life inevitably leads us to recognize this truth: life is only about relationships. <>  Last week, I had the honor of attending the funeral celebrating the mother of one of my closest friends.  It may seem unusual to use the phrase “I had the...
Behavior Change for Overachievers

Behavior Change for Overachievers

Overachievers tend to be an impatient group. Which, is why true behavior change can be difficult. Here’s one tactic to get you across the finish line. <>  We’ve all seen a documentary about healthy eating or attended a seminar reminding us of the power of...
Failure Isn’t Fatal

Failure Isn’t Fatal

Overachievers can sometimes forget that their identity is not wrapped up in their accomplishments… or failures. <>  “I feel like a failure.” Over the years, I’ve heard this phrase many times from my clients.  At some point in our journey, we’ve all sized...
Gratitude as a full-time job

Gratitude as a full-time job

If you’re looking for a life-altering mind-shift, you’ll need to do things differently than you’ve tried before. <>  Jotting a note in your gratitude journal or praying at mealtime are great places to start, but these periodic actions alone...
Own Your Mistakes

Own Your Mistakes

Do you own your failures, shortcomings, and mistakes? Or do you look for an opportunity to blame someone else? <>  I remember the day vividly. My boss (who has since become an important mentor) asked why I had dropped the ball on an important issue. I made an...
What Every Overachiever Craves

What Every Overachiever Craves

Overachievers constantly strive for a sense of fulfillment, meaning, and mattering. 99.89% of our effort is pointless. Here’s what actually gets us what we want. <>  I’ve coached hundreds of overachievers for more than 2 decades. And every year, I...
Stop perfecting. Start exploring.

Stop perfecting. Start exploring.

As overachievers, we can unknowingly chase approval. Are you aware of who’s steering your life? <>  Recently, I wondered how much different life would be if I cared less about impressing others. Would I work as hard? Spend more time helping those who are...
Overachieving… and overwhelmed

Overachieving… and overwhelmed

Too many of us have developed an “overwhelmed” mindset. <>  We’ve convinced ourselves that no matter how much is on our plate, we’re barely keeping our heads above water. When asked how life is treating us, we typically respond with “swamped, busy,...
The Dreaded Wait

The Dreaded Wait

Instead of going for the “fix”, sit in stillness. The result might surprise you. <>  You walk into Starbucks and there are 3 people in front of you (likely a 3–5-minute wait). What do you do?   I’ve asked this question many times over the years and...
Joy that Stays

Joy that Stays

To find joy, Overachievers tend to focus their efforts on tasks and recognition. The problem is the approach just doesn’t stick. <>  As long as you have the means to provide for your basic necessities, you can be as content as anyone on the planet.  The...
Setting Intention: 2025

Setting Intention: 2025

Do you ever find yourself wishing that life could be… different? <>  Every day, I write a handful of words at the bottom of my journal underneath the title, Intention. This simple practice is designed to guide my behavior for the day and help make tiny...
Tis the season…

Tis the season…

Ready to set your 2025 goals? Here are the three questions you need to get started. <>  Every year around this time, the typical overachiever confronts 2 important questions: What did I achieve this past year? What do I want to achieve in the next 12 months?...
No is not a dirty word

No is not a dirty word

The Overachiever’s constant need to say yes is merely an underlying insecurity. Here’s a better way to define your value. <>  As a recovering overachiever, I’ve spent the majority of my adult life saying “yes” to everything. At some level, there’s...
Here’s Your Thanksgiving Challenge

Here’s Your Thanksgiving Challenge

There’s a big difference between “feeling” grateful and “practicing” gratitude. <>  It’s one thing to recognize that I’m grateful for having a roof over my head. It’s something different to visit a homeless shelter to volunteer. One...
Embrace Your Unique Contribution

Embrace Your Unique Contribution

Redefine success by recognizing your value and trusting the journey. <>  “No matter what gets done or doesn’t get done, I am enough”—Brene Brown Yesterday, I stumbled across this quote from Brene Brown. I’ve read it dozens of times over the years and always...
Step Away from the Echo Chamber

Step Away from the Echo Chamber

After an election, it’s natural for emotions to be high. <>  It’s been a little more than a week since the election and it’s likely that you’ve got a strong opinion on the outcome. Most people take these strong emotions to their echo chamber (social media,...
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