When is my effort enough?

When is my effort enough?

No matter how many hours I work, I will never be caught up. There will always be another email to send, content to create, speech to improve, etc.Which makes me wonder, when is my effort enough?It’s an interesting question that you have undoubtedly asked...
Video Series: Comparing Yourself to Others

Video Series: Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing your achievements to those of your peers is something we’ve all done. Here are three proven tactics to stop the habit and help you enjoy the journey. Take The Achiever’s Compass, or send this video to someone who could use some...
Judgmental is my default

Judgmental is my default

Kind and compassionate are not my default settings. I tend to be a little judgmental and often consider how a situation affects my personal interests. I’ve noticed that my selfishness also increases my daily stress and worry. I’m not the only one. There’s a growing...
My spring break takeaway

My spring break takeaway

I had the pleasure enjoying of sunny spring break recently in Florida (along with the rest of the Midwest and Northeast US). One thing stood out… no one looked relaxed. If people weren’t chasing kids, taking perfectly posed pictures or standing in line at the bar,...
Your Legacy is Now with Alan Weiss, PhD

Your Legacy is Now with Alan Weiss, PhD

(Download Episode Here) (Subscribe to the Podcast Here) (Connect with CJ) Jeff Bezos’s garage start-up shook up industries and eventually became one of the world’s most innovative and influential companies. Colin Kaepernick sparked an awakening when he, alone, knelt...
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