Are you a recovering overachiever?

Are you a recovering overachiever?

I’m a recovering overachiever. That means I’ve struggled with the word “No” my whole life. The former people pleaser in me committed to countless activities that jammed my schedule with endless meetings and tasks. Instead of feeling satisfied, all of this endless...
Solving the Great Attrition

Solving the Great Attrition

More than 19 million employees have quit their jobs since April, and more than 60% of employers expect that turnover will only get worse. We assume that attrition is due to compensation and/or benefits. But new research shows it’s likely something deeper. No...
The Answer to Life’s Questions

The Answer to Life’s Questions

“More.” It’s our (i.e. overachieving professionals’) go-to answer whenever we consider life’s important questions: How much money do I need to make? How many career accolades do I need? How many clients should I get? How much should I save for...
Why we focus on others

Why we focus on others

I often wonder what God would say if we had the opportunity to grab coffee. My fear is that She would be brutally honest and tell me, “You talk a big game, but I sometimes wish you would do more.” Far too much of our time is spent trying to impress others. Remember…...
Fleeting Enjoyment or Lasting Contentment?

Fleeting Enjoyment or Lasting Contentment?

I thought about buying a new pair of shoes today. As I drove past REI and remembered their great selection, I got excited. I imagined trying on a handful of pairs and walking out with a new addition to my fairly lame wardrobe. But then I remembered a quote from an...
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