We’ve convinced ourselves (with the help social media, the news, Google®, etc.) that we should know the exact answer to (or at the very least, have an opinion about) every question/topic imaginable.
Ditch the Dream Board
One of the first things I did when I started my business in 2003 was to build a Dream Board. It was a collage of everything I could possibly dream of acquiring – a big house, nice cars, Rolex, boat, vacations, hair, etc.
An unexpected outcome…
Is it possible that the key to happiness is to selflessly help those in need of a little kindness?
Stop fighting anxiety
Over the years, I’ve tried everything to avoid feeling that frantic panic that comes from being out of control.
Expectation is the root of all heartache
Some days will be great. Other days you’ll wonder if you chose the right career, did a good job as a parent, or should have moved to Colorado after college.
Be wary of comfortable
Unfortunately, all meaningful growth comes from failure, uncertainty, and heartache.
What’s success anyway?
However, if success is ever going to bring you satisfaction, it must be linked to what drives you – not what the world insists is important.
Worry much? You’re not alone…
We think that happiness will eventually come after a jammed resume, a bunch of recognition, and a high salary. The problem is, we never arrive. We just teach ourselves to crave more.
“I don’t have time.”
The truth is that you have time for anything you choose.
Free Time Anxiety
This week, I’ve challenged myself to slow down a bit and get comfortable with doing less.