The person you become in the process is far more important than achieving the goal itself.
Tis the season…
The person you become in the process is far more important than achieving the goal itself.
No is not a dirty word
The Overachiever’s constant need to say yes is merely an underlying insecurity. Here’s a better way to define your value.
Here’s Your Thanksgiving Challenge
On this day of Thanksgiving, I’d like to offer us all the challenge of actively practicing gratitude.
Embrace Your Unique Contribution
Maybe the key to a healthier life is slowing down and accepting that what makes us special has nothing to do with how busy we feel every day.
Step Away from the Echo Chamber
Remember that every one of us is a unique mixture of experiences and culture, looking to do our very best with the resources at our disposal.
A Goal Worth Aiming For
Arrival never even makes it into the equation.
“What if they find out?”
Just be yourself and embrace your unique spot in this journey.
Mediocrity Manifest
The unnecessary anxiety caused by this pursuit of perfection keeps us from enjoying those areas where we excel.
Can’t Catch Up? That’s Okay.
Accepting our current situation lessens our frustration with life’s issues and reminds us that this is part of being human.