Choosing emotions

Choosing emotions

It’s completely normal to prefer one emotion to another. I’d rather feel happy than sad. Joyful rather than frustrated. Satisfied over anxious. However, the problem arises when we teach ourselves that there’s something wrong with us if every step of the path isn’t...
Defeat Self-Defeat with Dr. Mark Goulston

Defeat Self-Defeat with Dr. Mark Goulston

(Download Episode Here) (Subscribe to the Podcast Here) (Connect with CJ) Why isn’t achievement ever enough? Join CJ McClanahan as Dr. Mark Goulston, former FBI hostage negotiator and UCLA professor, discusses how a simple change in perspective will alter how you see...
Certainty is unattainable

Certainty is unattainable

I used to believe that the more information you accumulate (via getting old), the greater the level of certainty you’d feel about everything in your life. Turns out, that’s not always the case. In fact, I’m continually surprised by the number of times I respond with,...
Direction is more important than speed

Direction is more important than speed

“Direction is more important than speed. Many people are going nowhere fast.” – Richard Evans Like most overachievers, I’m wired to feel better about myself if I’m rushing through the day crossing off tasks on my endless to-do list. My brain craves the sense of...
Video Series: Take back your time

Video Series: Take back your time

I feel anxious if I can’t check my phone. Take back your time and increase your quality of life with these 3 simple and proven tactics. Watch the video for CJ’s top 3 tips to feel more energy by the end of the week. Take The Achiever’s Compass,...
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