Embrace Differences

Embrace Differences

As a leader, embracing differences is imperative. My son is a senior in high school, and it’s hard for me not to look at the next 10 years of his life and lay out the “perfect” career/life path. It’s almost like an experiment to create a mini-me. But, the important...
Our Obsession with Ourselves

Our Obsession with Ourselves

As leaders, we assume that our direct reports want a career path like our own, filled with promotions, responsibilities and a bigger salary. We assume our friends like to do the same things, watch the same shows on TV and have the same expectations for their kids. All...
Two Truths About Depression

Two Truths About Depression

The holidays can be hard. If you’re suffering from loss, uncertainty or depression, there are two things that I know to be true. This feeling will pass. Ask yourself, “How do I get through the next hour?” If you want to take it a step further, find a way to focus on...
My Giving Tuesday Confession

My Giving Tuesday Confession

I love giving… but not Giving Tuesday. Confession 1: I love giving. In fact, for the last decade, I’ve argued that the best way to enjoy your life is to give generously.Confession 2: Giving Tuesday is my least favorite holiday of the whole year.So why do I have...
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