Over-programmed by fear

Over-programmed by fear

There are times when it’s OK to respond out of fear.   For example, if you’re being chased by a grizzly bear, it’s completely appropriate to run fearing for your life.     However, today, most of our fears involve worries about the future that are unlikely to...
The problem with problems…

The problem with problems…

At some point this week, you’ll run into a problem. (Or, if you’re having a week like mine, it might be lots of problems.) When the issue bubbles up, the overachiever in you screams – “Get to work! We’ve got to fix this immediately.” Our knee jerk reaction to a...
To all you door holders…

To all you door holders…

Could it be that we’re not a society of crazies, after all? People hold the door for me all the time. For a while, I thought that it was because I looked like a celebrity. However, the more I watch others, it’s clear that we are a society of “door-holders”. And...
The quick no

The quick no

Though uncomfortable, “no” could be one of your best tools for a peaceful life. Many years ago, I scheduled a meeting with one of my mentors to ask an important favor. After a few pleasantries, I laid out the case for my appeal telling him that I didn’t...
The change you want…

The change you want…

“To know and not to do is really not to know.” – Stephen Covey I’ve reminded audiences of this truth hundreds of times in my career. Unfortunately, I haven’t always embraced and learned from its message. Too often, I put down a book and think, “Wow, I can’t wait to...
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