Accepting our current situation lessens our frustration with life’s issues and reminds us that this is part of being human.

Accepting our current situation lessens our frustration with life’s issues and reminds us that this is part of being human.
Once you’ve figured out what makes you unique, I’d challenge you to embrace your weaknesses.
While being very difficult in practice and horribly uncomfortable at times, this simple practice has made all the difference.
The more it feels as if I’m racing down the road of life, the more I recognize that life should be savored not simply conquered.
We chase the complex solution assuming that nothing simple could be the best answer.
It’s about finding joy in the process, in the act of living, rather than pinning our hopes on a future state of happiness.
I’ve been convicted that instead of chasing happiness we should all be focused on the only thing that matters – observing the present moment.
When life is stressful, overachievers sit in the gap that unrealistic expectations have created and stew over how unfair life has become.
An overachiever thrives on providing creative solutions, but anxiety about the future can drain that energy and focus. Here’s a way to gently shift your mindset to something much more valuable.
My brain knows that no matter how hard I try, I can’t make everything go my way.
Achiever's Compass Coaching Series is designed to bring awareness and generate some momentum in the right direction.