This is an unusual year for me

by | Dec 21, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Typically, I have a detailed sheet of all my personal and professional goals nicely laid out for 2024.


It’s a very safe and comfortable place for me to be.


But this summer, I went fly-fishing for the first time.


Naturally, I practiced, watched YouTube videos, and bought all the gear. I could practically taste the fresh fish dinner I’d be cooking up after a day of successfully putting my research into practice.

Then I met the guide who would be teaching me how to fly-fish.

After three short hours, he said, “You seem like you’re wound pretty tight. If you want to learn to fly-fish, you’re going to have to loosen up a bit.”

In the span of an afternoon, a complete stranger recognized that I’ve got a sizable problem with control.  

Since then, I’ve told this story to at least 25 people. Guess how many were surprised?

You guessed it… zero.

So, when I think about my goals for 2024, one rings loud and true: I don’t want to be known as the guy who is “wound tight”.

In other words, next year is all about learning to loosen up and unwind. In case you’re feeling the same way, consider one or more of these goals for 2024:

  1. Take a trip by yourself to refocus and recenter.
  2. Focus on helping those who are less fortunate.
  3. Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your life.

Whatever your 2024 goals look like, I wish you the best on your journey. May we all come to the other side lighter, freer, and focused on the needs of others.

Merry Christmas.


CJ McClanahan

Speaker | Advisor | Recovering Overachiever




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