Gratitude as a full-time job

by | Feb 13, 2025 | Blog | 0 comments

If you’re looking for a life-altering mind-shift, you’ll need to do things differently than you’ve tried before.


Jotting a note in your gratitude journal or praying at mealtime are great places to start, but these periodic actions alone won’t change your perspective. 

As you probably already know, sporadic actions lead to sporadic results.

To become a grateful person, you need to practice all the time

Initially, this requires shifting your focus from achieving to just being. 

Once you slow down long enough to sit quietly, you’ll find the opportunity to count your blessings. 

This regular practice gently shifts the way you view the world. 

As Melody Beattie points out, this shift “turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”


CJ McClanahan

Speaker | Advisor | Recovering Overachiever

CJ McClanahan


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