Overachievers can sometimes forget that their identity is not wrapped up in their accomplishments… or failures.
“I feel like a failure.”
Over the years, I’ve heard this phrase many times from my clients.
At some point in our journey, we’ve all sized up the current situation and felt disappointed with our accomplishments.
When this happens, remember the difference between failing (which you will do many times) and labeling yourself a failure.
The former is an inevitable part of growth while the latter is almost always an untrue overreaction. Worse, once you’ve tagged yourself with the “failure” label, you begin to see even the slightest setbacks as further proof of your flaws.
Embrace setbacks as opportunities to improve – even if it feels like you’ve had more than your fair share as of late.
—CJ McClanahan
Speaker | Advisor | Recovering Overachiever
CJ McClanahan