Behavior Change for Overachievers

by | Feb 27, 2025 | Blog | 0 comments

Overachievers tend to be an impatient group. Which, is why true behavior change can be difficult. Here’s one tactic to get you across the finish line.


We’ve all seen a documentary about healthy eating or attended a seminar reminding us of the power of compound interest, and thought, “Enough is enough, I’ve got to make a change!” 

Unfortunately, too many of us don’t follow through. It simply falls off the radar when we step back into “real life.”  

However, if you’re committed to changing behavior, invest in a little accountability. 

Select someone who you respect and know will be okay having the type of uncomfortable conversations that lead to change.

In addition, this person should be able to deliver accountability without you taking it personally and/or getting upset (don’t even think of asking your spouse). 

The overachiever in you will want to measure results immediately. I encourage you to frequently pause and think about what you’re learning about yourself. 

The truth is that while your growth won’t be easy to put into a spreadsheet, it will be meaningful and will have a huge impact in your life. 


CJ McClanahan

Speaker | Advisor | Recovering Overachiever

CJ McClanahan


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