From Blurry to Clear

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

The majority of my adult life has had one consistent theme – achieve.


Accordingly, I’ve raced through most days, crossing items off lists, sitting in meetings, flying through email, and planning for the future.

And, as you can imagine (and probably relate to), this approach has led to lots of accomplishments.

Unfortunately, the rear-view mirror is a bit of a blur. 

At times I feel as though I’m flying down the interstate on a desolate road barely noticing the scenery as I race by. 

The older (and hopefully more mature) I get, the more I recognize that life should be savored not simply conquered.

This appreciation has challenged me to shift part of my daily focus away from achievement and toward observation.  

The overachiever in me struggles to slow down and notice what’s happening in the moment, afraid that others will fly right past as I practice my “Zen”.

However, the new me has noticed a much deeper appreciation for all the small blessings life has to offer.  

I look forward to strengthening this muscle.


CJ McClanahan

Speaker | Advisor | Recovering Overachiever

CJ McClanahan


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