It turns out that…

by | Sep 29, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

Believe it or not, I’m flawed.

  • My body language screams, “I can’t wait to leave” once I get bored with a conversation.
  • The “yelling at my kids vs. other team members” ratio is at least 15:1 when I coach them in youth sports.
  • I have a short attention span and struggle to sit still.
  • I’m a little too regimented and don’t love a break in my rituals.
  • Sometimes, I avoid the truth to spare a person’s feelings.
  • I can be self-centered and obsessed with my own issues.
  • Etc. (You’d hit the “page down” button a few dozen times if I included everything I’ve learned.)

I didn’t recognize these faults until someone had the courage to point them out to me.

We’ve all got blind spots.

The problem is not that we have flaws. It’s that most of us don’t recognize them.

That’s why it’s important that we all find a friend, mentor, peer, advisor and give them the permission to be critical. (Note: I didn’t mention “spouse” because they’re never afraid to tell you what’s up.)

Hearing the truth is never fun, but you can’t grow without a little pain.


P.S. If you’re looking to hire a coach or executive advisor (because everyone is these days) download my complete guide to choose the right Executive Coach. This guide contains the key questions you need to ask to determine if you’ll get the most out of your investment.














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